Thursday, February 24, 2011


should i be betwixt heaven and hell
and not for a loss of sin and desire
i should say that all shan't be well
for i'll be knee deep in fire
as i make for the ninth gate of hell

Friday, February 18, 2011

stand alone

A small girl stands alone
even as she plays amongst fellow school mates
her face lined with a smile
her hands hard at work in the sand
her small feet bouncing gaily
children surround her
but even as outside she opens
her mind shuts them out
because a small girl stands alone

A teenage girl stands alone
even as she prepares for prom
her dress picked with such care
her entrance admired with awe
her date lost in her arms
but even as kisses are shared
her mind wanders away
because a teenage girl stands alone

A working woman stands alone
even as she excels at life
her job of the highest notability
her house spares no expense
her man heaven sent
but even as love blooms
her mind pushes it away
because a working woman stands alone

A small girl can stand alone
and a teenage girl can stand alone
and a working woman can stand alone
but as time wears on as it always will
a lonely woman shall die alone

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hero come forth

A country calls for a hero
a hand signs away a life
tears run down a heartsick face
as sentiment wavers upon goodbye
promises are made intent
though even as spoke they decay
courageous actions bespeak honor
from a country calling for a hero
the only accolade saved for a sarcophagus
a heartsick girl dies inside
while another hand signs away

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

marks of an age

my life is a dot
and life itself a blank page
i am but a small mark
spawned from the mark maker
a small dot here
beside a line there
an accident perhaps?
one the mark maker doesn't notice
becoming creative with interlacing trace
o what a clever mark maker

mark maker mark maker
keeper of the pen
make a dot for me
and none but me

marked bold are the animals
marked light lay the land
moving marks bring air
marked shimmering is sand
marking high for the trees
marks low for the well
marks of color make a sky
a dot remains alone

mark maker mark maker
keeper of the pen
make a dot for me
and none but me

look around at the trace
the lines and the weave
seeing up close the dark circles
and high high trees
search as i may search as i might
find a dot i have not
for none is in sight
ive been high and low
and diagonal even
but the mark maker doesn't respond to a dot
to small to be noticed
an accident of art
upon a large page

o mark maker mark maker
keeper of the pen
i am a lone dot
make another for me?

amy marie

My garden emmits beauty does it not
i say did you hear me
every section is from a different part of the world
look close can you see
i spent 5 years finding and preparing
all for you amy marie

ive brought red dahli from china
an african violet too
over there are Chamomile from mother russia
and a daisy of blue
even poppies from spain
and its all for you

oh my amy come see my most prized section
beware my belladona it has a killer bite
and can you see the spider flowers of australia
such a beautiful sight
and my rainbow iris from german lands
like you it radiates such splendor in light

i put my heart and soul into this for 5 years
its my gift to you
along with one more small token
my grandmothers ring of diamonds true
this is all i want, all you have to say is
i do